Actividades 4 de FEBRERO

Hoy hemos ido a Tenerife. Nos vimos todos a las 4:30 de la mañana en el instituto para ir juntos hasta Agaete. Llegamos a las 7:15 al puerto de Sta Cruz en Tenerife y nos dieron una pequeña charla. Luego nos subimos a la guagua para ir a desayunar, que ya estabámos muertos de hambre !!! Posteriormente pasasamos por Izaña a ver los telescopios solares y allí nos explicaron su uso y mantenimiento. Luego fuimos al centro de visitantes donde vimos un video para seguidamente ir hacia las minas de San José donde realizamos una actividad que trataba de encontrar una piedra pómez muy grande que flotara en el agua. Finalmente fuimos al Teide pero desgraciadamente no pudimos subir por el tiempo: hacía un viento horrible y hay fotos con nuestros pelos al aire.. Aun asi la mar de divertido y lo hemos pasado súper bien !!!

Today we have been in Tenerife, we met at 4:30 in the morning at the high school because we want to go together to the port. We arrived at 7:45 at port of Santa Cruz and the teachers told us something about what were we going to do. After that we went to the bus to have breakfast , we were so hungry!!!  Then we went to see solar telescopes and the people who work there explained us the use and the maintenance After that we went to visitors centre and we saw a video about to go to the mines of San José where we did an activity about find a pómez stone which was very big and it floats on the water. Finally we went to the Teide but we couldn´t go up because the weather. However was so funny and we had so much fun !!!